Using RoIP technology with unique TCP unicast architecture, voice traffic to and from the radio system is converted to IP data and sent over the internet or a private WAN/LAN to a server. Client software which accompanies each device controls the communication sessions and provides secure authorization to gain access to the server. Each device creates its own secure, manageable identification to the server which is registered with the server administrator after completing the security authorization procedures. There is no IP provisioning for the end points due to the use of dynamic IP addresses. Security procedures include a valid server address, port and password. Once connected to the server, the user can select various talk groups or chat rooms to experience one-to-one or one-to-many conversations with other connected users.
The software allows for the adjustment of both mic and output volumes at the user level. The software also contains automatic gain control (AGC) for automatic level adjustment. As other members of the soft channel participate in a conversation, their respective soft radio ID or SiteCAST/SafetyNET RF link information is highlighted to identify the party speaking and their location.
Each user connected to the same soft channel is listed in the channel presence window or chat room. A note field allows for on-the-fly silent text messaging between soft radio users, and it is typically used for a user description. One entry in the talk group room may reflect either an individual on a computer, a smartphone device or a two-way radio channel via SiteCAST/SafetyNET RF link with many radios. For example, a talk group established on the server can consist of one soft radio client ID communicating to a two-way radio system using SafetyNET with 100 radios, an individual using VBS, and 5 individuals using iWalkie. Although there would be 7 client ID’s in the talk group, the conversation is being broadcast to all 106 radio and soft radios.
All RoIP data is sent to the conference server via real-time TCP unicast over a TCP/IP socket connection. Each user connected to the server requires 9KB of server band width for encoding and decoding, 1 KB when idle. The process uses GSM 6.10EFR W/LPC error correction to maintain quality control of session conversations and toll quality speech. This provides the advantage of being able to provide 99.999% reliability and fidelity with no QoS needed. The enterprise server software, which can be either hosted by Critical RF or directly hosted by the end user on any public or private network, is included in all enterprise class solutions. The server admin program lets you delete, stun and mute users.